Ear Infection

Symptoms of Ear Infection

Ear infection is difficult to detect because this condition commonly affects very young children who are too young to describe their symptoms, but early detection of ear infection can prevent possible complications including permanent hear loss. Here are a few warning signs that suggest that prompt medical attention is necessary:

In infants and toddlers, the warning signs are tugging, pulling, or scratching ears, excessive crying, irritability, ear drainage, difficulty sleeping, and nasal discharge.
In young children and adults, the symptoms are dizziness, headaches, irritability, hearing problems, severe earache, ear drainage, fever, nausea, nasal discharge and congestion.

Natural Cures

Ear infection is a relatively common ailment that can be treated effectively with the use of natural products. When using herbal oil or tonic to treat ear infection, always put medication in both the ears, even if only one ear is infected. Here are a few natural cures for treating ear infection:


Mullein herb oil, in combination with other herbal oils (usually garlic, calendula, and St. John’s Wort), is traditionally used for treating ear infections. Mullein oil is typically used at room temperature by putting two or three drops into the ear canal. Ensure that the eardrum is not punctured before using this remedy. Prepare an herbal remedy using mullein flowers in the following manner:

Loosely pack a few mullein flowers (available at most health stores) into a clean glass jar. Pour in enough olive oil to cover all of the flowers. Stir the flowers to release air bubbles and ensure that they settle properly. Place the mixture in a warm location such as out in the sun for three days. Strain the contents through a very fine sieve. Store the oil in a cool, dry place and put two to three drops of the oil into the infected ear three times each day.


Garlic is renowned for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. It has been popularly used to alleviate earache and clear out ear infection. Here are a few suggestions for using garlic:

Put two drops of pure garlic oil in the ear canal two to three times each day.
Peel and separate individual cloves of four garlic bulbs. Blend the cloves with a pint of apple cider vinegar. Cover the mixture and store it for at least two weeks. Strain and apply two drops of this infusion in the infected ear two to three times each day.
Blend equal quantities of garlic oil and mullein oil as an alternate remedy for treating ear infection.
Heat two tablespoons of mustard oil and fry crushed garlic in it until the oil begins to fume. Strain and cool the oil. Put two drops of this oil in the ear canal two to three times each day.

Additional natural cures

Try some of the following natural remedies and dietary tips to treat mild ear infection:

Blend two drops each of almond oil, lavender oil, chamomile oil, and tea tree oil. Put two drops of this mixture in the ear canal two to three times each day.
Strengthen the immune system by consuming vitamin C. Zinc is also believed to have infection-fighting properties. Maintain a well-balanced diet and avoid processed foods and hydrogenated oils.
Add a few drops of pure eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhale the steam to clear out blocked Eustachian tube.
Consume four milliliters of Echinacea each day (half of the amount for children) to strengthen the immune system.
Consume fatty acids to prevent the onset of ear infections and to reduce inflammation in the ears. Adults should consume approximately three grams of fish oil each day while children should consume one tablespoon of flaxseed oil each day.

Ear-Heal Drops
Natural ear ache home remedy
Ear-Heal Drops-100% Natural
Natural antibiotic alternative specifically formulated for ear infections

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