
Symptoms of Bruising

The first symptom of bruising is pain in the affected area that is felt before the appearance of skin discoloration. This is followed by a mild swelling and a noticeable change in the color of the skin.

A bruise typically begins as a red patch that develops into blue or purple by the end of the second day of formation. By the sixth day the color alters to green and then again to yellow, and the skin is typically brown by the end of the eighth or ninth day. The color then becomes lighter and by the second or third week, the skin regains its natural color.
Bruising may sometimes indicate a more serious health problem such as a blood-clotting problem or a blood disease. One should consider an expert opinion in the following situations:

Appearance of unusually large or painful bruises without any reason.
Bruising more often and more easily than usual and the occurrence of abnormal bleeding elsewhere, such as from the nose, gums or intestinal tract
Bruising following a new medication

Natural Cures

The best option for the treatment of bruising is prevention. Here are a few suggestions that can be used to prevent bruising:

Avoid injury by being more careful while walking or moving around.
Maintain a clutter-free house to avoid bumps and falls.
Attempt to include all of the nutrients in your diet. Consume a large amount of fruits and green leafy vegetables. Individuals who diet or who do not consume enough green leafy vegetables are typically more likely to bruise easily.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
Learn to live a stress-free and happy life.

Prevention is not always successful. If you do develop a bruise, here are a few remedies to quicken the healing process and to reduce pain and swelling:

Hot and Cold Compress

Hot and cold compresses can improve blood circulation by easing the flow towards the affected area and by eventually enabling the bruise to fade.
Apply ice bags or ice packs for ten to fifteen minutes. The bruise formation may be prevented if ice is applied immediately after the injury. Furthermore, ice will aid in decreasing the swelling and constricting the blood vessels. Utilize a hot compress two to three days after bruising. Soak the wash cloth in warm water and apply it to the bruised area for ten to fifteen minutes. This process can be repeated two to three times each day to heal faster. A hot water bottle can also be used for this task.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Use apple cider vinegar as a compress or as an ointment to be applied on the affected area.
Here are some easy and effective ways of using apple cider vinegar:

Take one teaspoon of salt and mix it with one half of a cup of warm apple cider vinegar. Apply this mixture on the bruise as a compress.
A compress can also be created from regular vinegar. Take equal parts of vinegar and water, mix them together and soak a soft cloth in the mixture. Remove the cloth and wrap it around the affected area.
Cut an onion and dip the pieces in apple cider vinegar. Apply the onion pieces on the bruise.

Parsley Leaves

Parsley leaves can be utilized as a natural and effective way of reducing the pain in a bruise. They reduce the inflammation and assist in causing the bruise to quickly fade. Apply one handful of crushed parsley leaves over the bruise and wrap the area with an elastic bandage so that the leaves do not move.

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