The journey to health and wellbeing is an exciting one.

And we're pretty sure you'll have a few questions on your mind before you really start browsing around! That's why we've compiled for you a series of the most commonly asked questions relating to holistic medicine, alternative therapies and thinking.


Q1 What is natural medicine?
Q2 What is holistic medicine?
Q3 Could these cures really work?
Q4 What is the best approach to take when using these cures?
Q5 Do I always need to see my doctor - even if the cure is just for something like a hangover?
Q6 I have a cure that has worked for years and years - can I submit it to you guys?
Q7 Do I have to pay anything to access your cures?
Q8 I'm convinced your cure will work - should I stop taking my medication?
Q9 Regarding the emphasis on the holistic, is it really important for me to be in a healthy state of mind in order to get the best results?
Q10 I have a condition that your site doesn't have any cures for - can I request that you guys add it?
Q11 I've still got a question - what do I do?


A1 Natural medicine or naturopathy is a medical approach to health and healing that uses natural alternatives such as herbs and foods to treat ailments or injuries, and to maintain health and wellbeing. Often, naturopathy encourages a holistic approach to health and healing.
A2 Holistic medicine is an approach to health and wellbeing that addresses the physical, mental and spiritual parts of a person.
A3 Yes. Many of the remedies on this website are for minor ailments that we often face throughout lives. For instance, ingrown toenails, skin rashes, the common cold and headaches. The cures for these conditions as featured on this website have worked time and time again in the treatment of these conditions. The hints on this website will help in the prevention and treatment of ailments like these and more serious ones such as asthma and diabetes – even cancer.
A4 We advise that you discuss any of the approaches you wish to take with your doctor. The information on this website is not a substitute for personal medical advice. You really must speak to your doctor for this. Once your doctor has talked to you and you do decide to try any of the cures on this website, follow the instructions as outlined and ensure you are doing everything you can to maintain health and wellbeing in your life. You must be both thinking and acting in a way that is conducive to health and vitality.
A5 We always advise that you speak with your doctor when it comes to treating any ailment you face – no matter how seemingly unimportant it may appear.
A6 By all means! We are open to receiving your cures and we will forward these onto our naturopathy and holistic medicine team for their review. Please note that we do this to ensure the highest possible quality of all of our cures. To submit a cure, simply email our customer service team at Support@GoCures.com
A7 Not at all! GoCures.com is 100% free for you to use!
A8 Absolutely not! Never stop your medication, unless your doctor advises you to. Always talk to your doctor about treatment or preventative methods on this site that you may wish to use.
A9 Absolutely! No matter what medication or treatments you are using – whether it be western medicine or alternative medicine – the healing will always happen because of your state of mind. We believe that each human being has a source of health and vitality within them. The mind can really make or break recovery. For instance, a patient who is full of faith and positivity is more likely to recover from an ailment than somebody who is miserable, depressed and reckless with what they eat and drink.
A10 Absolutely! Our friendly customer service team welcomes your feedback. Simply contact them at Support@GoCures.com with your request, and they will do their best for you!
A11 Easy! Just drop our friendly customer service team an email at GoCures.com and they will endeavor to answer your question as soon as possible!

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