Chicken Pox

Symptoms of Chicken Pox

The symptoms of chicken pox usually appear 14-16 days after an individual has been exposed to the chicken pox virus. This period of development is known as the “incubation period”.

The incubation period begins with mild fever, sore throat, headache and other flu-like symptoms. Red spots begin to appear within one to two days. They usually begin to appear on the trunk and continue to spread to the head, face, arms and legs. Within two days the rash usually completes all its stages, which are blistering (5-10 millimeters wide), bursting, drying and crusting over. New blisters usually emerge every day for five to seven days. The blisters are tiny but they are extremely itchy.

In some serious cases, the VZV may affect the mucous membranes which results in the development of blisters in the mouth and on the genitals. Younger children often experience more mild symptoms and fewer blisters than older children and adults.

All of the blisters usually heal within 10-14 days without any scarring unless they have become infected.

Natural Cures

There is no natural cure to stop the eruption of blisters on the body. However, it is beneficial to utilize a few natural remedies that can aid in relieving the itchiness, fever, and discomfort of chicken pox.

Ways of relieving itchiness
It is crucial to maintain cleanliness on the sores by bathing daily. The following variations can be added to warm water while bathing to aid in relieving itchiness.

Half of one cup of brown vinegar
One cup of apple cider vinegar
One cup of apple cider vinegar

Take an oatmeal bath. Pour one cup of oatmeal into a cotton sock and tie the sock with a rubber band. Fill the bathtub with reasonably hot water and use the oatmeal-filled sock as a sponge to scrub the body and to relieve itching.

Some useful topical applications

Vitamin E oil provides a healing effect when it is rubbed on the skin. Application of this oil also assists in fading the marks that are left from chicken pox.
Sandalwood oil should be applied onto the affected area beginning on the day that the rashes appears and until the scabs fall off.
The application of honey all over the body can also aid in healing the infection.

Herbal Remedies

Carrots and coriander are beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. Juice carrots or create carrot and coriander soup to obtain the healing qualities of this treatment. Herbal teas made of mildly sedative herbs such as chamomile, basil, lemon balm and cinnamon may also be used to treat chicken pox.

Diet and Chicken Pox

The patient may consume a normal diet but food that is highly acidic, spicy and hard to digest should be avoided. Soft, bland foods should be consumed if chicken pox sores develop in the mouth and the patient should consume many liquids in the form of vegetable and fruit juices and soups.

Chikkie Spot Drops
For skin that's itchy all over
Chikkie Spot Drops-100% Natural
To soothe the irritability
associated with itchy spots

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