Cold Sores |
Symptoms of Cold Sores
As previously mentioned, cold sores
typically appear on the lips. However,
they may also develop on the chin,
nostrils or fingers. The signs and
symptoms of cold sores may not appear
until 20 days after the body comes
into contact with the virus.
An outbreak
of cold sores begins with an itching
and tingling sensation around the
site of the lesion. The area proceeds
to become red and within one to two
days the sores appear in small clusters
of fluid-filled, painful blisters.
The area around the sores remains
red and swollen. The sores also cause
a burning sensation, particularly
during the consumption of salty, tangy
and spicy foods.
sores usually heal within seven to
ten days and usually do not scar so
long as they are not tampered with.
The blisters undergo a cycle of formation,
rupture, which involves the release
of a clear, white fluid, and development
of a yellow crust that sheds within
a couple of days and that leaves virtually
no sign of scarring.
Natural Cures
Aloe Vera
Vera can be used to treat most skin
disorders such as acne, psoriasis and
eczema. This miracle gel can also aid
in quickly healing cold sores. Break
up the aloe leaf and apply the gel that
is seeping out of it onto the affected
area at least three times each day.
Utilize this treatment as soon you notice
the first signs of the sores.
Tree oil
tree oil is believed to have strong
anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties,
which in turn strengthen the immunity
of the body against bacterial, fungal
and viral infections.
Dab a small amount
of tea tree oil directly onto the
area with a cotton swab during the
onset of cold sores (while there
is the pre-blister formation stage
and the redness and burning sensation
begins). |
Dilute tea
tree oil with water if the skin
is sensitive. |
Seed extract
Herpes Simplex Type-1 virus is believed
to become inactive within ten minutes
after the application of grapefruit
seed extract onto the cold sore. Mix
several drops of grapefruit seed extract
with one tablespoon of light olive oil
or vegetable glycerin and apply two
to three times each day to the affected
area with a cotton swab. Allow the mixture
to remain overnight and repeat the process
when another blister develops.
Diet and Cold Sores
dietary changes may aid in the prevention
of cold sores and also aid in a faster
healing process. Individuals who have
suffered from cold sores or who are
suffering from this ailment should avoid
acidic or salty food because these can
irritate the sores even further. Foods
high in arginine, an amino acid that
supports the growth of the virus, should
also be restricted while the lesion
is active. Arginine is present in common
foods including grains, chocolates,
whole wheat, oatmeal, peas, and seeds.
Tea, coffee and processed foods should
also be avoided at this time.
diet that is rich in antioxidants like
vitamin A, C and E and in complex carbohydrates
is advisable for faster healing of cold
sores. Minerals like zinc, magnesium,
calcium and iron are also known to help
in the healing and prevention of cold
sores. These supplements can be consumed
through fresh fruits and green, leafy
vegetables and yogurt.
For full immune
system support |
Natural Remedies
a Healthy Immune
System |
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