Gum Disease |
Symptoms of Gum
Gingivitis may be accompanied
by initial warning signs although the
onset of gingivitis is usually painless.
The fleshy, healthy pink color of the
gums may change to a bright red tone.
The gums may even appear purplish in
some cases. The gums may appear swollen,
tender, and sore to touch and they may
bleed after the slightest contact with
a toothbrush or dental floss. You may
even experience itchiness in the gums;
in some cases the itch is intense. The
gums lose their original structure and
the gum tissue recedes. Persistent foul
breath is also a sign of gum disease.
Natural Cures
Gingivitis is a reversible
medical condition. Try some of the following
natural cures to treat gingivitis.
Cloves are considered
to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,
and anesthetic properties. A decoction
of clove can fight bad breath and toothache.
Here are a few suggestions for using
cloves to treat gingivitis:
approximately 30 grams of cloves
in 500 milliliters of water for
20 minutes. Strain the mixture,
let it cool, and sip it slowly.
You can also gargle with this decoction. |
your gums gently with essential
oil of cloves. You can also put
a clove in your mouth and chew it
slowly. |
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is
vital for the production of collagen,
the basic protein building block for
the fibrous framework of all tissues,
including gums. It strengthens weak
gum tissue and makes the gum lining
more resistant, thus preventing bacterial
infection. Use vitamin C as a mouthwash
and in the form of a dietary supplement
to treat gingivitis.
one half of a teaspoon of crystalline
vitamin C (also called Powdered
Pure Ascorbic Acid) in one cup of
a sugar-free citrus beverage. Swish
the mixture in your mouth for a
minute and then swallow. Rinse your
mouth with fresh water and complete
this activity twice each day. |
Consume one to
two slow-release vitamin C capsules
(500 milligrams) each in the morning
and in the evening. |
Squeeze one lemon
into one glass of warm water and
use this mixture as a mouthwash. |
Chewable and powdered vitamin C can
erode the dental enamel so vitamin C
is often recommended for mouth rinsing.
Remember to rinse your mouth with plenty
of fresh water.
Some herbs can
be used to treat several dental diseases
including toothache, bad breath, and
gum diseases. Look for herbal toothpastes
and mouthwashes that have the following
key ingredients: sage oil, peppermint
oil, chamomile tincture, horsetail,
white oak, clove oil, caraway oil, expressed
juice from Echinacea and myrrh, cinnamon,
aloe vera juice, tea tree oil, lemon,
and thyme. These ingredients are greatly
beneficial in treating gum inflammation.
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