Serenite Plus FAQs- Insomnia
Q1 Does it really work?
  Serenite Plus has been very effective with a very high success rate. We get an extremely high reorder rate on the product, indicating that our customers are very satisfied with it. In fact, it has been sold to literally thousands of customers in virtually every country around the world!
Q2 How long has this been on the market?
  All of our products were created by a Clinical Psychologist in conjunction with homeopaths and naturopaths. She has provided them to her clients, with great success, for over ten years. They have sold to literally thousands of customers in virtually every country around the world.
Q3 What does Serenite Plus contain?
  High-Rite is a 100% herbal formula that contains the following carefully selected herbs in therapeutic dosage, presented in a 100% veggie capsule:
Avena sativa used by herbalists to treat nervous exhaustion and insomnia and also as an effective nerve tonic.
Scuttelaria laterifolia has a long history of effective use in the treatment of acute insomnia and stress. This herb is also useful in the treatment of epilepsy and nerve pain.
Passiflora incarnata research has demonstrated the effectiveness of this relaxing herb in the treatment of anxiety and stress. It is also particularly useful for the person who lies awake worrying due to stress or overwork!
Coffea C30 a homeopathic remedy known for its effectiveness in treating headaches, insomnia and restlessness. People who are over stimulated due to worry or excessive work will benefit very much from the addition of Coffea to the formula.
Nux Vomica C30 also used homeopathically for the treatment of irritability and insomnia, Nux Vomica will also help the tense, ambitious, perfectionistic person who cannot sleep due to worrying about unfinished business or unresolved emotional issues.
  All of these actions are natural, with no side effects, no drowsiness, no addiction and no withdrawal. No side effects have been reported by any of our customers.
Q4 What is the dosage?
  Dosage (capsules): Take two capsules 5 minutes before bedtime.
  Dosage (drops): 10 – 15 drops in a little water 5 minutes before bedtime.
  Children (Use Drops Only): Take 1 drop per year of age in a little water or juice three 5 minutes before bed time. For example, a five year old would take five drops per dose.
Q5 Is Serenite Plus approved by the FDA?
  The FDA oversees all food and drug products. Since Serenite Plus is a herbal dietary supplement, it falls under the ambit of the FDA. In 1994 the FDA set up guidelines for dietary supplements, including labeling requirements, and created the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA). Serenite Plus follows all of DSHEA's guidelines. All of our products are manufactured in a Pharmaceutical Graded, GMP-certified facility to guarantee the highest degree of consistency, reliability and potency.
Q6 Which should I buy - Capsules or Drops?
  Generally, this would depend on whether you prefer capsules or liquids, since both will be equally effective. Since the liquid tincture is concentrated, it does tend to become effective more quickly. Thus, if your primary sleep problem is one where you wake up in the middle of the night, we would recommend the liquid in order to get you back to sleep more quickly.
Q7 How often can I take it?
  You can take Serenite Plus daily or only as needed.
Q8 How quickly does it take effect?
  Serenite Plus Capsules will generally start to work within 10 - 20 minutes. The drops will generally be quicker, taking effect within 5 - 10 minutes, because this is a concentrated liquid tincture. If you wake up frequently in the night, then we recommend the drops, since these will help you to fall asleep more quickly.
Q9 What happens if I wake up in the middle of the night?
  Generally, each dose of Serenite Plus should get you through the night. However, should you wake up in the middle of the night, you can quite safely take a second dose without fear of over dosing.
Q10 How long does a bottle last?
  If taken daily, one bottle of Serenite Plus Capsules will last 30 days, while a bottle of Serenite Plus drops will last 60 - 90 days.
Q11 Is Serenite Plus habit-forming?
  Serenite Plus is 100% natural, safe, effective and is not habit forming. You can quite safely take Serenite Plus daily without fear of addiction.
Q12 Can I take it with other medications?
  Serenite Plus is perfectly safe to take with other medications, including other anti-anxiety, depression or sleep medications. Of course, you would not want to take too many medications and so should try to make Serenite Plus your primary sleep medication.
Q13 Should I continue to take Ambien, Valerian etc?
  You can quite safely continue to use those products. However, if you find Serenite Plus is working for you, you should consider slowly weaning yourself off those other products, since Serenite Plus is much safer, has no side effects and is non-addictive. If you feel safer doing so, consult your doctor to help you with a program to wean yourself off these products.
Q14 Why is Serenite Plus better than taking Melatonin?
  Because melatonin is a naturally occurring substance in the body and is directly responsible for inducing sleep, it can be a very effective aid in the treatment of insomnia.
  However, melatonin is either synthetic (called pharmaceutical melatonin) and therefore not a natural remedy - or it is directly derived from animal sources, which carries the risk of contamination. It is not always clear what the source is of the melatonin sold in health stores.
  There has also not been sufficient research on the long term effects of taking additional melatonin. There are suggestions that regular use could suppress the body's own production of melatonin, causing a chronic sleep problem or that taking additional melatonin can have a negative effect on the immune system, particularly in people who are prone to auto-immune illnesses like arthritis, lupus, MS, etc.
  The amount of melatonin found in sleep and depression remedies is many times the amount needed for healthy sleep and no one really knows what the effects could be in the long term. Thus, taking a 100% natural, proven product such as Serenite Plus is a much safer choice.
Q15 Does it have any contraindications?
  No, there are no contraindications for Serenite Plus, and it is perfectly safe to take with other medications, including anti-anxiety or depression medications.
Q16 Can I take it if I have high blood pressure?
  While we don't advocate Serenite Plus as a replacement for blood pressure medications, it is perfectly safe to take with them, and in fact contains ingredients that may help to lower blood pressure!
Q17 Can I take it if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
  While we don't advocate Serenite Plus as a replacement for blood pressure medications, it is perfectly safe to take with them, and in fact contains ingredients that may help to lower blood pressure!
Q18 Does Serenite Plus cure insomnia / sleep disorders?
  Serenite Plus is a very effective remedy to help with occasional sleep problems. If you suffer from chronic insomnia, we strongly recommend using MindSoothe with Serenite Plus. MindSoothe helps to cure sleep disorders, which are most commonly linked to low melatonin levels in the body, often ca sued by low serotonin levels. MindSoothe helps to get the body to naturally increase your serotonin, thereby ensuring that your melatonin production is optimal, and thus helping to improve your sleep quality and depth.
Q19 What else should I take with Serenite Plus to cure my problem?
  If you have not been able to get consistent, deep sleep for more than three months, you may have a chronic sleep problem. In such cases, we recommend combining Serenite Plus with MindSoothe. MindSoothe helps to cure sleep disorders, which are most commonly linked to low melatonin levels in the body, often ca sued by low serotonin levels. MindSoothe helps to get the body to naturally increase your serotonin, thereby ensuring that your melatonin production is optimal, and thus helping to improve your sleep quality and depth.
Q20 Is Serenite Plus safe for Children?
  Serenite Plus Drops can quite safely be given to children and is easy to dispense to them since it comes in a liquid formula.
Q21 Will it make me drowsy?
  Due to its carefully selected ingredients, Serenite Plus helps to induce a calm, peaceful sleep without causing drowsiness or grogginess.

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