Nail Fungus

Symptoms of Nail Fungus

The primary symptoms of nail fungus are white or yellow spots on the nail or underneath the nail tip. The infection may gradually spread to cover the entire nail including the nail bed. Other common symptoms of nail fungus are thickened nails, shapeless nails that may be distorted and brittle, discoloration of the nail plate or bed with green, yellow, brown, or black marks, separated nail plate from the nail bed, and inflammation of the skin around the nails. In rare cases, the nails become extremely painful, foul smelling, and ingrown. If fungal nail infections are not treated promptly, the patient may even lose the nail.

Natural Cures

Nail fungus should be treated immediately to avoid spreading the infection in healthy nails. In some cases, surgery may be required to treat nail fungus. However, try some of the following natural cures to treat nail fungus.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has excellent antiseptic and fungicidal properties. Several studies have determined the effectiveness of tea tree oil in treating fungal infection of the nails. Here are a few suggestions for how to properly use tea tree oil for this purpose:

Dilute a few drops of pure tea tree oil with olive oil and apply it to the affected nails.
Alternatively, put a few drops of undiluted tea tree oil on a Q-tip and gently apply it onto the affected nails twice each day.
Add a few drops of pure tea tree oil in warm water and soak hands and feet in it. Rub the nails gently while they are still soaking in the oil for the best results.
Mix tea tree oil and lavender oil in equal quantities. Put a couple of drops of this blend onto a Q-tip and dab it under the top edge of the toenail and the surrounding area two to three times each day.
Lemongrass oil is also a natural antiseptic. Dilute it with an equal amount of tea tree oil and apply it onto the affected nails twice each day with a Q-tip.

Oregano oil

Essential oil of oregano has been tested against a variety of microorganisms and is found to exert a high degree of antifungal, anti-parasitic, antiviral, and antibacterial actions. Oregano is nontoxic and is also believed to be a powerful and safe herbal antifungal agent. Topical application of oregano oil on nail fungus is believed to cure this infection.

Rub oregano oil once or twice each day over the nail beds, the soles, and between the toes.
Blend two drops of oregano oil with one teaspoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture onto the affected area every day for three weeks.

Preventing Nail Fungus

Fungal infection of the nails can be prevented by following good hygiene practices. Here are some useful tips:

Dry your feet and hand nails properly after shower.
Wear well-ventilated shoes and socks. Choose natural fabrics for your socks such as cotton, and avoid nylon and lycra socks. Wear open-toe shoes whenever possible to allow the toes to breathe.
Remove shoes and socks when indoors. Changing socks two or three times each day may also help to prevent nail fungus.
If you are prone to developing nail fungus, avoid public swimming pools and public showers. Always wear shoes in those places or wherever the floor is wet. Apply antifungal powder on the feet and particularly on the toenails before and after visiting such areas to avoid developing any infection.
Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from overexposure to water. Remove the gloves occasionally to allow the sweat on your palms to dry.
Always keep your nails trimmed, clean, and dry.

Treat fungal infections of the nail
Nail-Rx-100% Natural
Effective natural nail fungus treatment -
Fungus home nail remedy.

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