Psoriasis |
Symptoms of Psoriasis
Psoriasis patches can range from a few
spots of dandruff-like scaling to major
lesions that cover large areas. Some
dermatologists classify psoriasis as
mild, moderate, and severe. Psoriasis
that scales over less than five to ten
percent of the body is considered to
be mild, psoriasis that scales over
ten to twenty percent of the body is
classified as moderate, and severe psoriasis
typically covers over twenty percent
of the body. Mild cases of psoriasis
may not be anything more than an annoyance.
However, in some severe cases, psoriasis
may be painful, disfiguring, and disabling.
Psoriasis is most common on the knees,
elbows, and scalp but can appear anywhere
on the body. Symptoms of psoriasis may
vary among individuals but typically
include red patches of skin covered
with silvery scales, dry, cracked skin
that may bleed, intense itchiness, soreness,
swelling or stiffness in joints, and
pitted or thickened nails.
Natural Cures
There are a few natural treatments for
treating psoriasis that are recommended
by proponents of natural cures. Here
are a few suggestions.
Numerous skin-care products contain
oat extract, oat derivatives, or colloidal
oatmeal as an active ingredient. Oat
extracts have been used for centuries
as soothing topical agents to manage
dry, itchy skin conditions. Here is
how to use oats to heal psoriasis:
your own oatmeal bath by pulverizing
one cup of oats and one quarter
of a cup of dried milk in a food
processor. Slowly mix in two tablespoons
of apricot kernel oil. Fill up an
old cotton sock with this mixture
and place it in a bath tub while
filling it with lukewarm water.
Gently exfoliate your skin by squeezing
the sock while bathing because this
releases the formulation. |
Apply oatmeal
packs on afflicted areas to heal
the inflamed skin condition. |
Use body
lotions and moisturizers that have
oat extract as a key ingredient
and apply them liberally over the
body while focusing on the affected
areas. |
Aloe vera leaf gel has been used for
centuries to treat a variety of skin
ailments including minor burns, scraps,
and wounds. Application of aloe gel
or cream containing aloe extract can
provide relief from itchiness and dryness.
Tea Tree
Tea Tree Oil is renowned for its antibacterial
and antiseptic properties. A number
of cosmetic products including creams,
lotions, soaps, and shampoos have tea
tree oil as their active ingredient.
It is considered to be particularly
beneficial for healing scalp psoriasis.
Consider using a mild shampoo with tea
tree oil as a key ingredient. Avoid
applying tea tree oil directly onto
your skin to cure psoriasis because
high levels of toxins are present in
Other herbal
is an active ingredient in milk
thistle and is believed to be useful
in relieving psoriasis. Herbalists
recommend this herb to be taken
in the form of tea, tincture, or
capsules. |
contains flavonoids that are believed
to have anti-inflammatory properties
that aid in the treatment of skin
conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Look for topical products such as
body lotions, creams, and bath bars
that contain chamomile extract. |
essential oil of lavender, followed
by a body cream containing almond
oil may also help to treat psoriasis.
substances contain healthy bacteria,
such as Lactobacillus acidophilus,
that can aid in improving the health
of the skin. Consume a priobiotic
substance in tablet form with at
least four billion active organisms
each day to obtain the best results. |
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Dr.-100% Natural
Naturally improve
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