Yeast Infection |
Symptoms of Yeast Infection
The symptoms
of vaginal yeast infections are thick,
white or yellow discharge with a cottage
cheese-like consistency, irritation
in the vagina and the surrounding tissues,
painful sexual intercourse, burning
sensation while urinating, and redness
in the area (due to scratching). Symptoms
of oral thrush include thick, white
lacy patches on the tongue, palate,
or elsewhere inside of the mouth. These
patches are often rigidly stuck to the
tongue surface and any attempt of scraping
them off may cause bleeding or irritation.
Yeast infection that has developed elsewhere
on the body typically causes a red,
flat rash with sharp, scalloped edges.
Natural Cures
You can
create a few remedies from the materials
in your kitchen to cure a yeast infection
(particularly a vaginal yeast infection).
Here are a few treatments:
contains Lactobacillus acidophilus,
which is a bacterium that also happens
to be present in healthy vaginas. Acidophilus
is believed to eliminate yeast by producing
hydrogen peroxide. Remember to choose
plain, no-sugar-added yogurt with live
cultures. Applying the yogurt directly
in the vaginal area can be very effective.
Alternatively, dip a tampon in the yogurt
and insert it into the vagina. Leave
it in place for a couple of hours every
day until the infection subsides. You
may also choose to insert acidophilus
pills into the vagina so that the bacteria
can fight the yeast infection. In addition
to the direct application of yogurt
on the infected area, it is also recommended
to include yogurt in your daily diet
to possibly prevent the development
of a yeast infection.
Garlic is believed to have antifungal
and antiseptic properties that can aid
in curing vaginal yeast infections.
Here are a few suggestions:
off the papery skin from a fresh
clove of garlic. Wrap it in gauze
or cheesecloth and tie the end with
unwaxed dental floss. Remember to
leave a bit of string dangling so
that you can pull it out later on.
Leave this on the infection for
several hours or overnight if desired.
insert one garlic capsule (easily
available in most health stores)
into the vagina. Choose capsules
with a soft coating that dissolves
easily. |
Lifestyle and Yeast
Yeast infections
cannot always be prevented. However,
you may follow a few preventive measures
to lower your likelihood of developing
infections. The best breeding sites
for yeast are warm, wet areas, so keeping
these areas dry is the most effective
way of avoiding infections.
Here are a few
guidelines for reducing the risk of
developing a yeast infection:
clean, comfortable and preferably
cotton underwear. Change your underwear
twice each day. Wash your delicates
with a mild detergent. Be especially
cautious while washing underwear
when you are already suffering from
a yeast infection. Wash and scrub
the garment thoroughly and iron
it because exposing it to heat can
help to eliminate the residual infection-causing
germs. |
Avoid douching
because it may disturb the alkaline
balance in the vagina. Also, avoid
the use of feminine sprays, harsh
soaps, and deodorants in the vaginal
area. |
Follow good hygiene
practices. Shower regularly and
pay careful attention to the genitalia.
Completely dry the genitals after
every shower. Wipe from the front
to the back after using the toilet
to avoid a vaginal infection from
the germs in the rectum. |
Change sanitary
napkins or tampons frequently. |
Avoid using hot
tubs and whirlpool spas. |
Avoid consuming
foods and beverages that require
fermentation such as baked goods,
cheese, and alcohol. |
To prevent oral
thrush, maintain excellent oral
hygiene by brushing teeth after
every meal, gargling with mouthwash
and flossing. Also, to avoid the
development of oral thrush in very
young children, sterilize pacifiers,
feeding bottles, and cups after
every use. |
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