Symptoms of Acne

Acne typically forms where there are numerous sebaceous glands, including one's face, arms, chest, shoulders and back. Acne can generally be divided into two categories: non-inflammatory and inflammatory.

Non-inflammatory acne:
Two examples of non-inflammatory acne are whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads are small, white bumps that are formed when sebum and bacteria are trapped below the skin’s surface. Blackheads are similar to whiteheads but they are partially opened on the surface and they become black because of the melanin pigment of the skin.

Non-inflammatory acne is relatively mild and this condition affects the majority of individuals who suffer from acne. It can often be treated effectively with non-prescription medicines.

Inflammatory acne::
Some common forms of inflammatory acne are papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Papules are inflamed lesions that appear to be pink or red and that can be painful. Pustules are pus-filled papules with a pink or red base. Pustules are commonly referred to as zits or pimples. Nodules are hard, painful lumps that form under the skin’s surface. Cysts are deep-rooted, large, pus-filled lesions that often cause permanent scarring.

In its most severe form, inflammatory acne causes disfiguring cysts and deep, pitting scars. Prescription drugs and occasional surgery is required to treat inflammatory acne.

Natural Cures

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Niacin have been successfully used to treat acne and prevent further degeneration of the skin. Treatment may include 100 milligrams of Niacin and 50,000 units of Vitamin A that are consumed three times each day for a maximum duration of one month. Vitamin E, with a maximum of 400 milligrams consumed each day, can help to prevent significant scarring and may even remove existing scars. Vitamin E may also be consumed through certain foods including nuts and seeds. Another option that has proved to cause dramatic results is to utilize Zinc for the treatment of acne. The recommended dosage of Zinc is a maximum of 50 milligrams taken three times each day. The dosage can be lowered as the skin quality improves.


It is feasible to treat acne inexpensively, effectively and naturally if you simply explore your kitchen! Garlic is one miracle cure that is commonly found in the kitchen and the external application of garlic on the skin is known to cure pimples, boils and spots.

If you can cope with the smell of raw garlic, proceed to rub freshly peeled raw garlic on the acne-afflicted area several times each day. This process has produced remarkable results in some extreme cases.
Chew three cloves of raw garlic once each day for one month (If your loved ones are willing to cope with potent garlic breath!) Raw garlic aids in improving blood circulation and purifies the blood stream which helps to prevent acne.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Many people firmly believe in the acne-healing properties of apple cider vinegar. If apple cider vinegar is unattainable, plain vinegar may be successfully used. Vinegar helps to eliminate acne-causing bacteria from the skin and aids in restoring the skin’s natural pH balance and its ability to absorb excess oil from the skin surface.

Here is how to use vinegar to treat acne:

Wash the face with a mild facial cleanser and water and pat your skin dry with a soft towel. Apply diluted vinegar (eight parts of water with one part of vinegar) directly to the skin with a cotton ball and do not rinse for a few minutes.
For severe acne, create a stronger vinegar solution (for example, mix two or three parts of water with one part of vinegar),and apply the solution directly to the acne-affected areas. Rinse off the solution with warm water after ten minutes.

Diet and Acne

Despite the fact that there is very little evidence suggesting that diet affects acne, the quality of consumed food does affect the health, including the health of the skin. Here are a few dietary changes that can aid in preventing and controlling acne breakouts:
Reduce the intake of sugar (which includes reducing the amount of fruit juices consumed), sweets, processed flour, baked goods, and trans fats or hydrogenated fats. Avoid rich desserts and sugary treats including donuts, cakes, ice cream, and pies.
Consider utilizing artificial sweeteners, such as Stevia, rather than sugar. Try substituting honey, a natural sweetener, for processed sugar as often as possible.
Avoid the consumption of processed foods such as chips, cookies, candies and other similar unhealthy snacks. Consuming greasy food or chocolates does not directly lead to the development of acne but it is more beneficial to avoid these foods or only consume them in moderation to maintain a healthy fitness level.
Drink water, herbal teas and vegetable juices instead of soda. Drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water each day helps to remove the toxins from the system and promotes clear, healthy and radiant skin.
Consume a large amount of beneficial fatty acids because these aid in the body’s process of detoxification. Such fatty acids may be consumed through fish or fish oil.
Finally, do not allow acne to control your life. You will be able to control acne with the use of care and caution.

Stress Management

Individuals who experience stress simultaneously experience various hormonal imbalances that may contribute to the formation of acne. Stress may be managed through exercise, daily reflections, and aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can be utilized by directly inhaling or applying soothing aromas or oils, such as lavender.

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ClearSkin-A Gel is a 100% natural safe and effective herbal treatments to help
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